Login issues about locked account

Juan Liu July 1, 2024


Recently, our 4 accounts can't login in the Atlassian, it always shows:

Due to multiple login attempts in a short period of time, we have temporarily locked your account for security reasons. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please contact Atlassian Support.

We waited some time and tried to update pwd, but still show same error.

Is there anyone know how to unlock the account? Thanks.

Our accounts are: st-partners-app@samsung.com st-partners-cloud@samsung.com st-partners-eco@samsung.com st-partners-hub@samsung.com

2 answers

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Daria Kulikova_GitProtect_io_ July 1, 2024

Hello @Juan Liu ,

Sometimes, clearing your browser cache and cookies can resolve login issues. Try logging in after clearing them - probably it the simplest. In any case, it's better to raise a ticket on Atlassian Support to help you resolve the issue.

Juan Liu July 2, 2024

Hi @Daria Kulikova_GitProtect_io_ 

We tried many ways, containing cleared cache and cookies, still can't login, so raise a ticket.

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Rilwan Ahmed
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July 1, 2024

Hi @Juan Liu ,

Did you get screen to enter captcha as mentioned here? If still you are having issues, you need to contact you organization Atlassian administrator team.

If you are the admin, then you need to contact Atlassian support directly in https://support.atlassian.com/contact/#/

Juan Liu July 2, 2024

Hi @Rilwan Ahmed , there is no captcha when login failed.

I just send message in https://support.atlassian.com/contact/#/

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