So, if I wanted to pull a list of pages that were last updated prior to, let's say, 6 months ago, is there a way of doing this using the SQL plugin (Or any other way for that matter)?
I'm hoping that instead of putting a specified date I can set up a function so that I get a list of pages that are always over 6 months old. Instead of always having to change the date, I'd prefer to have it be a rolling constant.
Thus far I've been scavenging/stealing SQL script from here and other sites and modifying it somewhat. Just missing this piece of the puzzle. I'm assuming/hoping that this is just a really simple solution that i'm in the dark about. Any assistance or direction is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
{sql:jndi=confluence} select c.lastmoddate, c.TITLE, c.VERSION, c.CREATOR, c.CREATIONDATE, s.spacename from "Confluence"."dbo"."CONTENT" c, "Confluence"."dbo"."SPACES" s where c.spaceid = s.spaceid and s.spacename='Knowledge Portal' and contenttype='PAGE' and content_status='current' order by lastmoddate desc {sql}
Hi Patrick,
To do that you can use the plugin Reporting from Customware.
With the following code you should cover your question:
{report-list} {content-reporter:space=KEYOFYOURSPACE|types=page} {date-filter:page:modification date|beforeValue=-6m} {content-reporter} {report-body} Last modification:{report-info:page:modification date}, Title: {report-info:page:title}, Last version: {report-info:page:latest version}, Creator: {report-info:page:creator}, Creation date: {report-info:page:creation date}, Space name: {report-info:page:space > content:name} {report-body} {report-list}
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What would I need to add to the above markup to only show pages that the creator has created, not all pages?
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Archiving Plugin provides configurable rules for reporting pages not viewed in the last N days or not updated in the last M days. There is no need to program anything, the whole thing runs automagically.
You define the period as number of days, and it is a "rolling constant". Note: there is a ton of other features you may be interested in (archiving the outdated pages, consistently configuring the rules for hundreds of spaces, etc.)
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What would I need to add to the above markup to only show pages that the creator has created, not all pages?
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