Links aren't working any more

Pete Cole August 1, 2023


We've been using Confluence for a few years now, and everything has been fine.  We have a lot of documentation in there now which is all linked together.  To do that linking, we use the [DocumentName]() format.  You type it in like that, and when you press space after the last close bracket, it would go off and create you a link (what we call a box-style link, as the name of the document is in a box) to that document name.

But in the last couple of days, this has stopped working.  Instead it just spins for a second or two and just leaves it as a messy hyperlink that you can't do anything with.  

Existing box-style links previously created in this method still work, and can even be copy-pasted into the document.  But you just can't create any new ones.  I've even tried this using an Icognito tab just in case there was some caching going on, but it does the same there.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Many thanks

Pete Cole

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Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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November 15, 2023

@Pete Cole Welcome to the Atlassian community

Have you tried clearing your browsers cache?  Or using a different browser?  Is this an issue for all users?

Pete Cole November 16, 2023

Hi Brant,

Thanks for getting back to me.  Basically it's an intermittant problem.  Sometimes the links resolve instantly, other times it just spins and spins before giving up.  If you undo and then try again, sometimes it will work the 2nd (or even the 3rd time) but other times it just refuses to resolve it to a proper box-link.

Others in my team have reported similar issues, and that's across Chrome and Edge.  

I've started using the Insert Link (Ctrl+K) which works most of the time even when the in-text resolving doesn't.  But sometimes even the link that gets created from Insert Link displays a non-box style link, or displays that same long messy link that doesn't operate.

We do have a lot of small documents in the one Space (over 1,000 and climbing) so perhaps it's just because there are so many that it can't always find them in the expected amount of time.

Many thanks


Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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November 16, 2023

@Pete Cole You are on cloud correct?  Is your connectivity good?

Pete Cole November 16, 2023

Hi, yes we're using the Cloud version of Confluence, and yes no problems with internet connectivity.  Thanks.

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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November 17, 2023

@Pete Cole does it happen after you clear your browsers cache?

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