Link files changed in the repository into a Confluence Page

Maximiliano Arguelles September 20, 2011

Hi guys,

We need to auto populate a table with some of the jira "fixed issues" field information in a confluence page, but also including a column with the path information of the files which were changed in the repository.

We are wondering if we can use a macro or run a query to accomplish this.

Any ideas?
Can we retrive information from the Comments tab and insert it into a table field?



2 answers

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Maximiliano Arguelles September 22, 2011

Thanks for the quick response Lucas.

We can't accomplish what we need with the {jira} or {jiraissues} macros. We need to get the path information of the files which were changed and that is information that is not in the JIRA Issues.

Any ideas?


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Rising Star
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September 21, 2011

Hi m.arguelles!

You may use the {jira} or {jiraissues} macros to configure a table according you want to. Here you can get more information about the configuration from both macros. A common use of the {jira} tag is:

{jira:project = "MyProject"|server="My Company JIRA"}

(replacing the "My Project" and "My Company JIRA" tags according your JIRA instance.)

Best regards!

Lucas Timm

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