JQL query to find lissue linked to current page ?

Rameshkumar R January 29, 2018

how to write a jql query to find issue Linked to current conflunce page .

I wanted to add struture with filter only list the issue connected to current confluence page 

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Atlassian Team
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January 30, 2018

Hi - Out of the box we don't have a way to search Jira issues for links to Confluence pages, but it looks like ScriptRunner for Jira does have a way to define Remote Issue Links:

A primary use case for this is to find issues linking to a particular Confluence page. This allows you to show on your wiki page all the JIRA issues that reference it (but see numerous caveats below). You can do this with either the JIRA issues macro, or the Filter Results gadget.

I look forward to hearing whether that helps with your case.

Andrii Duma February 22, 2024

Hello, I appreciate your work. But I'm shocked why such trivial and basic functionality is still absent? Many people and organizations put the links of Confluence pages into Issues' description. And the ability to see which issues are referring to certain Confluence page is natural. Is it technically hard to implement such feature or there are some another reasons?

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