Is there a possibility to hide the header image on a Blog post?

Pieter Lamiroy March 28, 2024

I am using Confluence in combination with Cosmos (intranet plugin). When I add a header image for a specific blog post, this header image will be used as well in an overview of all my blog posts.

Now, in the blog post detail page, this header really does not look good. Is there a way that I can hide this header on the blog post detail page? Or make this header as wide as the content instead of full-width?

Thanks in advance

too large.png


1 answer

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Josh Shepherd
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 13, 2024

I'm not a Confluence expert, but a user trying to navigate the waters... My trick for doing what you describe was to not use the header image, but to include the image in the document itself. Then it doesn't show up in the details page. I have tried putting it into a table with 1 cell so I could also better control the sizing that I wanted. Perhaps something like this might help you?

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