Is it possible to export redlines prior to publishing edits?

Angel Walton
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September 5, 2024

I'm housing policies in Confluence that require Board approval prior to publishing updates.  I can see the option to "view changes" when in edit mode, but I can't get the system to export, print, or any other option when showing the changes that have been made.  

The "redline" version will need to be submitted for review/approval and once approved, the policy owner will be able to publish the changes.  

Please let me know if I'm missing something that would allow me to do this. 

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Mikael Sandberg
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September 5, 2024

Hi @Angel Walton,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

No, a page that is in edit mode cannot be exported out. But there are apps that would allow you to keep the draft/review version of the page separate from a approved/published page. There are a couple of apps in the Marketplace that can do this. We are currently using Comala Document Control in order to get the review workflow, and then you can use Comala Publishing to move an approved page to a public space. I believe Scroll Viewport has a similar functionality.

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