Is it possible to bulk-create pages?

Mathew Imregi January 23, 2023

I found this:


But it looks like it doesnt apply to confluence cloud?  I want to create a bunch of stub pages so my team can fill in the details- is it possible for me to do this as an import or in some other way?

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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January 23, 2023

Hi @Mathew Imregi 

On the thread you mention Kishan Sharma provides another solution to your problem. Have you try any of the 4 possible solutions he mentions?

In addition to the above, you can use Jira automation (if you have jira) to create confluence pages

Mathew Imregi January 24, 2023

I'm hoping I can just do it natively.  The first accepted answer on that thread provides a perfect solution and the thread is marked cloud but I dont see the functionality described (import a word doc).  I'm trying to determine if the thread is not for cloud, or if I am missing something, or perhaps it moved?

Alec Fields April 13, 2023

Unfortunately, I believe Atlassian recently removed this feature. 

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