In Confluence,attached document not working and not downloading in particular space

Tharunkumar B July 18, 2024


In Confluence,attached document not working and not downloading in particular space...



It looks like all of the attached documents are still not working. Is there a way for you to re-export the IPS space from the "current" Confluence to the new ,io confluence so all of the attachments come through correctly?

Remaining space directory, attached docs and all working properly Except above one...

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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July 18, 2024

Hi @Tharunkumar B 

Community members can't do anything to your instance, especially if it's a DC version. Are you migrating from a confluence istance to another? Did you contact your confluence admin? He/she should be able to view the logs and find the problem.

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