In Comala ShareIt plugin on Confluence, can we change the name of the option "share this page"

fayaz jira March 13, 2019

After installing the Comala ShareIt plugin on Confluence, there's an option called "Share this page" in the top right drop down menu. Can we change the name of the option ("share this page" to "some other name"). Please check the image below for reference.Inkedconfluence_LI.jpg

2 answers

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Caroline Adams March 14, 2019

Hi @fayaz jira ,

In addition to providing some feedback for our product team, I'd like to offer you a workaround for the time being.

If you navigate to Confluence Administration > Stylesheet > Edit, you can add the following bit of code to change the text. Note that this will only change the text for the link and nothing else:

a#share-it-page-dialog span {
display: none;
a#share-it-page-dialog:after {
content: 'whatever it is you want to add';

Just update that next to last line to whatever you might want. 

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Mike Rink
Rising Star
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March 14, 2019

Hi @fayaz jira , "Share this Page" is hard-coded into the app, so there is no way to change it. 

If you let me know what your use case is, I can take your feedback to our product team so they can log it. 

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