Importing one Confluence into another - what happens to the JIRA links?

Mick Davidson March 19, 2012


It's me again...

We've recently acquired a new company who use both Confluence and JIRA. There are many links bewteen the two.

We want to import thier Confluence instance into ours, but we're not sure what will happens to all the links.

This is made slightly more complicated because the two wikis will not map exactly. Some imported spaces will remain, but others will disappear and their content will be moved into our existing spaces.

I'm assuming that this will break the links, but is that true? If so, is there anything we can do to stop this happening or rebuild them?

Has anyone done this before, and if so, what happened?


1 answer

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
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March 19, 2012

I haven't tried this before but if you create Application Links to point to the same JIRA instance, the links should remain fine. I would try importing one space and see if it works!

Mick Davidson March 19, 2012


Thanks, that's a good idea. I'll do that, but can't for a little while as we have to get some other issues resolved first.

While we have a little time, I'm hoping that someone who might have already been down this road can provide some insights.


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