Images are cut off in artcles

Ellen Dickson January 16, 2019

I created several articles in Jira for our employees to refer to in our knowledge base. When I edit them in Confluence the page looks great. But, when I go to Jira to see what our employee sees all of them are cut of with no way to see the full image. Is there anyway to fix this? Also, out articles are only in  narrow section in the middle of the page is there any way to have that space be larger? Thank you!

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 17, 2019

Hello there Ellen!

The behaviour that you just described fits this bug report we have here:

Images in Knowledge Base (KB) articles / pages rendered in the Customer Portal are displayed cropped if they are too wide

We could go ahead to vote and watch this report. Voting will increase the report visibility and watching will keep you up to date with everything posted there.

Let us know your thoughts on this!

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