If I were to upgrade to Confluence 4, is there a solution for forms as provided by scaffolding?

howard tiersky September 20, 2011

Or at this point in time is there not yet a plugin that provides forms?

If not does anyone know when we might be seeing an upgraded Scaffold that works with 4.0?

4 answers

2 votes
Stefan Kleineikenscheidt _K15t_
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 20, 2011

Hi Howard,

we have release Scroll Wiki Forms EAP (early access program) yesterday. Status-wise this means the forms work quite stable on Chrome and Safari and should be ready for testing. Firefox and IE are working ok.

Overview and short Video: http://wiki.k15t.com/display/en/Scroll-Wiki-Forms-for-Confluence-Overview

Documentation: http://wiki.k15t.com/display/FORMS

Request free 30-day eval license: http://wiki.k15t.com/x/XoAJAQ

Best Regards,

howard tiersky September 20, 2011


looks interesting and seems similar to scaffolding. 2 questions for you - first, any advantages to this over scaffolding or this is basically a version of scaffolding that works in c4? Does it work with tempaltes the same as scaffolding? (live update?)

Also, is there a "reporting" side to this tool or we'd still need to wait for a c4 version of reporting


Fabian Lopez October 17, 2011


Is there a way to import existing informaiton entered in live template to your Scroll wiki form?

0 votes
Robert Castaneda[ServiceRocket] April 2, 2012

Scaffolding and Reporting are now released for Confluence 4.0! http://www.customware.net/blog/2012/04/scaffolding-4-0-has-been-released/

0 votes
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
December 19, 2011

Scaffolding will be released for Confluence 4.x in the first quarter of 2012. The latest information will be posted at http://www.customware.net/store/confluence/connectors/scaffolding_plugin.html

0 votes
David at David Simpson Apps
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
September 20, 2011

You should perhaps watch this page: http://community.customware.net/customware/topics/confluence_4_0

Also, Scroll Wiki Forms looks very promising.

howard tiersky September 20, 2011

Thx! Yes I like the video...is there anything more on Scroll Wiki? Like documentaton or a release date?

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