How to submit user feedback to Confluence Whiteboards vs Miro?

Koloman Pfeffer July 19, 2024

Hello community, 

is there any way to submit user feedback to Atlassian or is the community the right spot for this?

We recently tested Confluence Premium and are likely to switch over. One thing to justify this financially is that we might be able to phase out Miro as a collaboration tool and use Confluence Whiteboards instead.

To get some feedback about it, I made a survey with our Miro power users and asked what they are using Miro for, if Whiteboards would be an adequate substitution and how they would rate a complete switch from Miro to Whiteboards with an NPS.

Feedback was definitely not overwhelming with an NPS of -59, mostly for three reasons:

  • Whiteboards are missing some moderation features Miro has
  • There is no easy way to import existing Miro-boards to Confluence, so users would lose data (or have to painstakingly migrate boards manually) if we switched completely
  • We can't add custom templates

We could work around the custom templates as creating template-whiteboards which users could copy, but that's not a convenient solution for our users.

Overall I'm still a fan of having whiteboards integrated in Confluence and think it would be great if we switched over. With development speed here being as fast as it was so far, I could see that a lot of what whiteboards might be lacking now, will be added soon.

So it would be great, if someone could point me in the right direction to submit this feedback, or maybe someone of Atlassian's community team might forward it to the right people.


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