How to restrict the tag list

Pierre Hilson September 6, 2012

We are building a Knowledge Base based on Confluence.

We will carefully tag each article.

We will build and maintain a clear list of tags which editors will then used.

We would like to forbid editor to add tags to the list.

How to achieve that ?

Thanks !!!

1 answer

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Pierre Hilson September 6, 2012

I found

My comment on this is:

I may be a control-freak but building a Knowledge Base on Confluence, only a few people will actively edit the pages, I cannot afford tags like 'tags tag tagging' to be in the tag list. This end up in editors putting the 3 tags when one suffice or worst only putting one and having final users missing the page simply because they choose the 'wrong' tag in their search.

I need this restriction badly.

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