How to add a comment on a Jira Issue easily from Confluence

VINCENT DUPONT June 25, 2024


During my meetings with colleagues, we review a set of tasks that are mostly (not all) represented in Jira tasks. So I created a Confluence page, copy paste some text and some links to Jira issues. Currently, I simply add free text (comments) next to the tasks. However, I would like those free textx to be recorded as Comment on the corresponding Jira Issue.

I know I can open each jira Issue with the Smart Link feature, but this is very slow and needs to open the complete Jira Edition Screen every time. I need a faster process to uniquely add a new comment


is there a feature or a plugin for this?

Thank you



1 answer

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Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
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June 26, 2024

There really isn't a way to edit the Jira comments directly from Confluence. You need to click thru to Jira and add/edit comments there.  There is a feature request to add Jira comments to the Jira Confluence gadgets.

It's possible there might be a add-on I'm not aware of, a quick search did not show any.

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