How do I indent text?

Rochelle McCullough
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September 5, 2011

Text currently looks like this:

Sub Main 'Start Sub Routine
Call Noise ' Call Beep
MsgBox "Returns a Beep" ' Message box
End Sub ' End subroutine
Sub Noise ' Start of routine
Dim lAnswer As Long ' Declare long Reply
Dim vMsg As Variant ' Declare variables.
Do ' Control structure
lAnswer = InputBox("Enter a value from 1 to 3.")
If (lAnswer >= 1 And lAnswer <= 3) Then ' Check range.
Exit Do ' Exit Do...Loop.
Else ' Error
Beep ' Beep eror.
End If ' End Construct
Loop ' Loop
MsgBox "You entered a value in the proper range."
End Sub ' End of Routine
' End of XCM

How can I indent the text, so it looks like the below:

Sub Main 'Start Sub Routine

Call Noise ' Call Beep

MsgBox "Returns a Beep" ' Message box

End Sub ' End subroutine

Sub Noise ' Start of routine

Dim lAnswer As Long ' Declare long Reply

Dim vMsg As Variant ' Declare variables.

Do ' Control structure

lAnswer = InputBox("Enter a value from 1 to 3.")

If (lAnswer >= 1 And lAnswer <= 3) Then ' Check range.

Exit Do ' Exit Do...Loop.

Else ' Error

Beep ' Beep eror.

End If ' End Construct

Loop ' Loop

MsgBox "You entered a value in the proper range."

End Sub ' End of Routine

' End of XCM

3 answers

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David Dube
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 6, 2011

To indent general text, you can use the Indent User Macro. Default is set to one level of indent, but you can specify however many levels that you want/need.


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 5, 2011

You'll be able to indent text in the new editor coming in Confluence 4.0 later this month. See:

1 vote
David at David Simpson Apps
Atlassian Partner
September 5, 2011
Wrap it in a {code} macro.

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