How do I copy and paste a table from OneNote?

Deleted user October 19, 2018

This used to work (like literally the other day)

I would create a table with the correct amount of columns and 1 header row and 1 extra row, then copy and paste the table from onenote and confluence would build the table out.


today it just pastes the entire table in the first cell, what gives?


have tried all sorts, no joy, please help!

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October 19, 2018

Hi @[deleted] - Welcome to Community!

Not sure if I understand correctly, but I just tired to copy (from OneNote to Confluence Server) and table was copied correctly. I just selected all rows and pasted in Confluence.

If you want you might try to first copy the content and then extend copied table with additional rows directly from Confluence instead first preparing the table and then copying the data. Anyway for me this is working (I mean basic copy/paste) but not sure if I achieve the same thing that you want to achieve. If not maybe you can paste few screenshots of what you see.

Deleted user November 4, 2018

Yes, working now, maybe it was me.

Seems to sort itself out after you hit the Publish button, I think that's where I was getting mixed up!

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