Expand/collapse macros in a corporate cloud environment

Andre Messa
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July 18, 2024

Hi All, 

I am working on setting up a WIKI confluence sigh within my company. The issue I am having is with the Expand/Collapse macro functionality. I would like the ability to have an (Expand/Collapse) button at the top of my pages so that users can click the Expand button then use the control + F shortcut to search the entire page content. Otherwise, if they are unable to expand all, then the search function does not work. 

I have attempted the java injection within this posting: 


Solved: How to create an "Expand All" button for Confluenc... (atlassian.com)

However, I am restricted by my corp admin in doing java injection into confluence. We are currently on version V7.19.22 and moving to V8.5.x. 

Is there any way to resolve this issue in the current version or will there be functionality available out of the box for this in the v8.5?


Thank you all in advance!

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