Exclude entire section from PDF

shilpa shilpa October 9, 2020

I used "NoPrint" macro to hide content from confluence page. It works fine when I try to hide certain sentences, but, when I try to hide the entire section, the PDF that gets generated hides the content, but, in the ToC, the section title is added with page number marked as 0. This looks very weird. Is there a fix for this? I do not need the section title that is marked to be hidden to show up in ToC. Thanks.

2 answers

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Meera.Amanullah May 11, 2023

Hi Shilpa,

Could you please provide a screenshot of your noprint macro and the its declaration in stylesheet. I have tried creating it and it didn't work, wanted to confirm if I have done any mistake in creating the macro and linking the same inside the stylesheet.

Thank you

shilpa shilpa May 11, 2023

@Meera.Amanullah  - Can you please check this video? https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1217924/no-print-macro-for-confluence-cloud?tab=overview&hosting=cloud 

I followed the steps shared in that video. But, it's weird that when I tested today, it doesn't seem to work as expected.

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Matt Reiner _K15t_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
October 9, 2020

Hi @shilpa shilpa

You could maybe try my team's app Scroll PDF Exporter. Not only can you fully customize the template for the PDF, but you can use one of the macros for ignoring content. The content won't be exported or shown in the ToC.

shilpa shilpa October 12, 2020

Thanks Matt Reiner. This is exactly what I was looking for. But, the problem is that I am not the admin, so do not know whether my request to get this installed in the server will be accepted. I will definitely try for sure. Thanks.

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