Eu consigo adicionar quantos convidados no confluence ?

Governança de TI April 15, 2024

Eu gostaria de saber se consigo adicionar convidados que possam editar os projetos e visualzar 

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Kristian Klima
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April 16, 2024

@Governança de TI 

Hi, a guest can access exactly one space only.

Once you set it up, you can grant a guest their specific access level in that space, including edit rights.

You can set it up like this, for example: 

  • You have 5 guests, 3 access space A, 2 access space B.
    • In space A, 2 can edit, once can only view and comment.
    • In space B, 1 can edit, one can comment.
Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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April 16, 2024

Actually, a Guest can technically access more than one space, as they will be able to access any space where Anonymous access has been granted.

That is documented here:

Kristian Klima
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April 16, 2024

@Trudy Claspill 

"Guests are a different type of user than a regular Confluence user — they can only have access to one space at a time (assigned by an admin) and that access has certain limitations."

Given the fact that anyone can access an Anonymous space, Guest are not accessing such space as Guests.

Governança de TI April 16, 2024

Os convidados conseguem editar também ? Como libero a edição ? 


Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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April 16, 2024

@Kristian Klima 

You are correct. The Guests are not technically access any anonymous-enabled space as a "guest".  But the use of Anonymous access does enable a Guest to access more spaces.

Also, while Anonymous access may be turned off Globally for Confluence, if it is still enabled at the Space level then Guests will be able to access those spaces, though they do still have to login.


@Governança de TI 

Sim, os convidados podem editar no espaço ao qual têm acesso se você conceder essa permissão ao convidado nesse espaço. Consulte este documento para obter mais informações.

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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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April 15, 2024


Você pode ter 5 usuários convidados para cada 1 usuário licenciado. Isso está documentado aqui:

O documento detalha o que os convidados podem fazer.




You can have 5 Guest users for every 1 licensed user. That is documented here:

The document details what Guests can do.


How many guests can I add to confluence?

I would like to know if I can add guests who can edit the projects and view

Governança de TI April 16, 2024

Muito obrigado 

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