Engineering changes in Confluence

Jim Brown September 15, 2022

Are there any tutorials or other docs on how to manage engineering changes using Confluence?

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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September 16, 2022

Hi @Jim Brown ,

welcome to the Atlassian community!

Here an useful article

You can track requirment in Confluence, define user stories in JIRA and track your code in bitbucket. In that way you have a full control of your work from requirment to code and release.

Hope this helps,


Jim Brown September 16, 2022

Appreciate your reply Fabio.  Unfortunately, the functionality described in the referenced article is not what we are looking for.  The article focuses on specifying requirements. 

We are looking for a way to manage a continuum of engineering changes over the lifecycle of products as defects and emerging requirements manifest.  I have yet to discover how Confluence can be used to accomplish this.  We may be able to cobble something together in Jira by customizing issue categories but I'm too green at this point to know for certain.  We may need a different s/w package altogether.  The Atlassian tools seems very useful in general; it's just not clear if they are a good fit for this particular need.


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Andy Gladstone
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September 15, 2022

@Jim Brown Welcome to the Atlassian Community. Can you be a bit more specific about your use case? Are you referring to Product Release Notes? Process changes?

I'd love to help, but with the current information I don't know what direction to point you in.

Jim Brown September 15, 2022


We just bought Jira, Bitbucket, and Confluence (all cloud) and we'd like to manage engineering changes (i.e. ECRs/ECOs/ECNs) as part of configuration control for our products (h/w and s/w).  I saw another thread on this forum where someone was asking for a Jira plug-in to accomplish this same thing and someone at Atlassian answered that Confluence was the way to go.  The poster replied later that it was working out well.  I'd like to know if there are any online resources to help us do the same.



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FWIW -- I'm looking for the same info on doing ECR/ECO/ECNs via Confluence .. at a minimum ECOs .. Did you ever get this working for yourself? 

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