Delete / move / archive pages from former User

Tiziana Pisenti March 21, 2023

A now deleted user created a lot of spaces and pages. How can I as an admin delete or move these pages or even the spaces?


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Clark Everson
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March 21, 2023

Hi @Tiziana Pisenti 

Welcome to community.

As you are on a standard plan there is not really a way to override yourself in as an admin so you would need to find the page to start.

For the spaces he has access to you would need to via  the override function:

If the pages are not restricted once you grant yourself space admin you can delete the pages yourself

For pages that are restricted you will need to reach out to atlassian support

I will say however for going forward, in general for atlassian tools its not good to delete users. It is normally better to disable users. The only exceptions for this would be if a user asks for their data to be wiped due to GDPR. But deleting users can make tracking pages harder and as you scale the tools sometimes it's important to know who last updated the data so it can be properly refreshed rather than deleted. More often than not, content from old employees can be very useful. So in general deleting anything needs to be considered with caution rather than best practice.



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