Database: Database connection failed after docker down.

scranthony January 20, 2019



i restart docker with docker down command.

Postgres has changed the name of the container. For that reason i changed this name in confluence.cfg.xml file to. But it does not help.  Confluence still shows me: 

Database: Database connection failed


Before docker down everything worked perfect.

What i checked:

- db existence.

- connection to Postgres DB using php script. (Works)

- reload confluence a couple of times.


Why it does not work then?


2 answers

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Tobias Anstett _K15t_
Rising Star
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January 20, 2019

Hi @scranthony,

Have you restarted Confluence after re-configuring the confluence.cfg.xml? This file is only read on startup, so modifications won't take effect just reloading.

Best, Tobias

scranthony January 21, 2019

sure. I restarted several times. Even tried to change permissions of all confluence folder to 777 for testing. no luck.

Tobias Anstett _K15t_
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 21, 2019

Hi @scranthony,

Have you already followed the instructions here?

Maybe this helps identifying the root cause.

Best, Tobias

0 votes
scranthony January 21, 2019

hi Tobias,

not yet, thank you for the link.

i solved that a bit different: rename mounted folder and reinstalled confluence. After that restored the db backup. 

I know that its not perfect solution but it works for me.

best regards, Anton

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