Create a page templates

1GT Tech
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August 7, 2017

Hello! My problem:

I did a page templates, and I use a macros "create from template", but I want to give a name page like - "Name page" + "Some text".

I can use this form - @spaceName, @currentDate, but I need also use, for example, - @pageName. Confluence dosent understand me. How can I address to page?


Sorry for my english:)

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 7, 2017

I'm afraid the only three shortcuts available are spaceName, currentDate and spaceKey

There might be another way to get something with this though - can you explain what you're trying to do with the name of the page and the "some text"?

1GT Tech
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August 7, 2017

I have structure:

  • Page1
    • Page2


And at "Page2" I want to create a page from  macros "create from template". And I want to give the page a title "Page2 - Document", but I need to specify this in a macro5a2c0f2943

EPS Software Engineering AG
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August 8, 2017


Maybe our Page Tree Creator (commercial Add-on for Server) could help solving your problem.

Check out our Live Examples (no registration required).


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