Copying Pages: Selection of Attachments, Labels & Restrictions only when copying child pages too?

Jan August 7, 2018

With our latest version of Confluence Server (we are running 6.6.4) we are finally able to copy pages and include child pages. I also love the option to check or uncheck if attachments, labels and restrictions should be copied with the page. This option is only there, when copying a page AND its child pages,, though. WHY? 

When copying a single page or a page that has no descendants, this selection would be very helpful, too! Do I miss something here or is there a reason for this? 

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EPS Software Engineering AG
Rising Star
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August 8, 2018

Hi Jan,

Our Page Tree Creator App for Confluence Server could solve your issue. You can make the choice, if it's a single page or a tree.

You can find the Page Tree Creator on the Marketplace.

Stephan (CEO of EPS Software Engineering, the vendor of the Page Tree Creator)

Jan August 9, 2018

Hi Stephan, Thanks for your reply. This could definately be an option, but I was wondering why Atlassian implements such an important and helpful feature but only half-way. To be honest I was hoping for somebody saying: Will be in with Version x.x :) 

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