Confluence is unable to import .rtf and .fm files.

Indranil Roy Burman April 27, 2018

It can only import documents in .doc format. But, we cannot generate .doc format files using FrameMaker. This is the reason why we are unable to proceed further with exploring the tool.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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April 27, 2018

Mildly annoying that Confluence doesn't have an .rtf importer, but there are loads of free utilities that can (bulk) convert rtf to doc.  Have you tried that?

Indranil Roy Burman April 27, 2018

Hello Nic, 

Thanks for your reply. Please let me know whether we can upload .fm files on confluence,



Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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April 27, 2018

You can attach them to pages, but Confluence won't read them.  They're not in a format useful for conversion to Confluence pages.

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