Confluence Home Directory

CenturyX476 November 5, 2018


At the moment I have confluence installed on a single server(Self Host) and windows environment.

Is it at all possible to put the home directory on a "Mapped" network drive ? With proper permissions of course




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Atlassian Team
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November 6, 2018

Hi, Siavash.

In this case, I believe that it is possible based on the knowledge base I came across here - Is it Possible to House Confluence or Its Home Directory on an NAS Device Instead of a Local Drive?. It involves the process of specifying the network location in <confluence-install>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/

However, please take note that there is a chance of data corruption and Atlassian does not encourage this setup. Hope that helps to answer the question you have.

CenturyX476 November 8, 2018


So if it is not recommended or encouraged.
What does one do about backups ?

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