Comment of a download in other languages

Torsten Müller July 9, 2018

Hello @all,
we use the confluence addon "Language" from bitvoodoo, works so far so well. Now we have a file for download on the site. You can also enter a comment in the attachments. However, only in one language (standard = German). If I now have two or more languages with the addon mentioned above, the comment always appears in German.

Does anyone have an idea how I can solve the problem so that I can enter a comment in the desired language - something like the "pagetitle" Macro?

If possible with a detailed solution (beginners here) ... ;-)

1 answer

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Torsten Müller July 10, 2018

Our solution now is to save the file with a country code in its name. We upload this file, give this file a keyword in the form of an abbreviation and then add the attachment addon with the filter to this keyword. The whole then into the language area.

Sloan N_ B_
Rising Star
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July 10, 2018

Since our Language app is not able to solve it other way, I think this Is a great workaround!

I also do not know of any other translation add-ons being able to change attachment comments or descriptions.

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