CodeBlock export to PDF problem

OIT PKRV December 25, 2018


There is a problem when we try to export to pdf a page which contains a CodeBlock (any syntax) with cyrillic letters.

Cyrillic letters are not exported to pdf, and there are blank spaces instead. Export to Word document is performed correctly.

Is there any way to explicitly use another font for cyrrilic, which will be exported to pdf?

Thank you.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 26, 2018

Hello there!
The situation we ran into is listed here, under these reports:

Confluence Cloud - CONFCLOUD-42748

Confluence Server - CONFSERVER-42748

The workaround currently given there is to remove the Cyrillic code from the code block, insert it into a normal paragraph and then export to PDF. A good course of action would be to vote and watch this report.
Voting will increase the issue visibility of this and watching will keep you up to date with anything posted there!

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