Cannot connect Jira and Confluence togehter

Philipp Kayser August 28, 2018

Hi guys,


I've tried to create an application link between Jira and Conlfuence.


From Confluence to Jira it directly shows an error that he is not able to create the connection.


From Jira to confluence it works partially but can't create the OAuth Connection.


Confluence is using an selfsigned ssl certificate and jira no ssl.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 29, 2018

Hi, Philip.

A couple of questions that I would like to clarify on before we move forward with this:

  • Since JIRA is not using SSL, can I confirm if you have imported Confluence's self-signed SSL certificate into JIRA'S JAVA key store to establish the trust between the 2 applications?
  • Can you attach the error that you are seeing from both JIRA and Confluence integration page when the application link is attempted?
  • Did you go through the server logs (atlassian-jira.log and atlassian-confluence.log) to understand if there are any log entries that relates to the application link error that you are seeing?

Lastly, I would like to recommend you to go through the official Application Links Troubleshooting Guide that covers most of the possible scenarios that you may run into while establishing the application link between these 2 instances.

Let me know how it goes on your end. Thanks.

Philipp Kayser August 31, 2018

now it works, thanks! :)


Philipp Kayser August 31, 2018

But i get this message: Login & Approve to retrieve data from Jira if i try to search for Projects from Confluence.


I've used the link and authentificated but it will not work

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 2, 2018

Hi, Philip.

You are welcome. As of now, can you explain a little bit further on the current status of the issue we have here?

  • Can you confirm how you were able to solve the application link issue in the first place?
  • Is it possible for you to share the screen shot of the message that you are getting on your end? Since you mentioned that you are getting that from Confluence, what specific macro are you using? 
  • What do you mean by using the link & authenticated but it does not work? Was there any error message shown?
  • Are there any errors shown in the logs of both application when the issue is reproduced?

Keep me posted. Thank you.

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Philipp Kayser May 1, 2019

You can close it @AhmadDanial 


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