Can the 'Content by Label' macro sort results alphabetically?

Mike Creed July 1, 2024

I use Labels and Content by Label lists but have noticed, for some reason, that my lists do not automatically sort alphabetically.

Is there a way to do this?


The code does have the following statement but it does not seem to be working correctly.

<ac:parameter ac:name="sort">title</ac:parameter>

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Rilwan Ahmed
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July 1, 2024

Hi @Mike Creed ,

Go to the page, click Edit page.

In the edit page, click edit on the macro and there you can find the option to sort title A-Z or Z-A


Mike Creed July 1, 2024

OK. I think I found the problem.

There must have been either a spurious character that I could not see, or an extra space character. I copied the title to match the one above and it all now works fine.

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