Can't delete space

Jeffrey Filmore August 7, 2018

I recently imported a space just for the purpose of restoring some pages I needed restored and now I can't delete the space. I deleted all the pages within the space, but when I attempt to delete space, it say "Delete Space Failed".

I tried rebooting instance and server with no luck. I also tried running content index, but for some reason it gets stuck at 97%

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Daniel Eads
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 7, 2018

Hi Jeffrey,

Sorry to hear you're having some trouble getting a space deleted! This can happen for a few reasons - let's start with easy things and work our way through harder fixes.

  1. You can try the Delete URL - it's likely this will still give you the failed message but worth trying as it's a quick way to get around some errors that can happen during the import you just tried. Change the base URL and space key to the correct values and try going to this address:
    <confluence base url>/spaces/removespace.action?key=<space key>
  2. The space/content should be removable from the database even if it's stuck in the application. This is a bit riskier so always make sure to take a backup in your database's native backup tool before deleting anything from the database. The queries to do this vary depending on which database you're using, so have a look here for the necessary queries.
  3. If you're still having no luck, let me know what Confluence Server you're on and the database you're using.


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