Can I use the UWC to import a Confluence 3.2.1 wiki to Confluence 4? ``

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September 21, 2011
I need to move all of my company's confluence 3.2.1 articles from our own server to an Amazon hosted Confluence 4. I don't care about authoring information. I also don't want/can't upgrade the existing confluence instance to 4 first and then just export and import. (We have the entire atlassian suite, it's all tied in with crowd and jira, it's all super outdated, and it's just a mess).
So, I'd like to just install the UWC on my current Atlassian box, and use it to move everything to Confluence 4. Is this feasible?

2 answers

3 votes
Laura Kolker
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September 21, 2011

The UWC's not really good for that kind of problem set

If you're moving into a hosted solution, I would think the support team for whoever is hosting would be able to provide guidance as to the best way to get your old Confluence data into their hosted solution.

If the hosting provider can't help you, and you don't want to upgrade the existing confluence, I would recommend doing something along the lines of:

create a staging server seperate from your production server, using confluence 3.2.1, move your data to staging, upgrade staging to 4, move your data to production 4

Migrating data is always a chore, no matter what your start and end points. Good luck!

1 vote
Ellen Feaheny [AppFusions]
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September 22, 2011

AppFusions is happy to help you through this effort. Its just a service, but we can help you get it done without pain.



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