Can I do MULTI undo or Undo a macro step on Confluence ?

NitsanE November 6, 2018

1. Having lost content due to accidental marking and Macro sequence I have lost a lot of work which I would not recover on a draft paper (prior to publishing)    

2. Is there a multi step  multi undo is there a way to undo 

2 answers

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NitsanE November 9, 2018


Answering your question: Yes this is a brand-new page. I never publish my drafts before I complete a basic content, so I don't have a saved version of my draft. 

As part of my draft intended content I typed the {S,G} string, which turned on some confluence  Macro I am not interested in.

Trying to get rid off this macro I mistakenly deleted it together with two pages of other content.

Now I tried to recover those two pages by some undo operation, as I could have done had it was a WORD document, in which I would do severa UNDO operations in order to restore the lost content but confluence does not support that kind of undo. 

Forget that Macro thing, I just want to be able to delete some text and somehow be able to restore that deleted portion of text like I could do with WORD or other existing editors.



Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 12, 2018


Thank you for your confirmation. Confluence does support several undo operations in a row, provided you haven't closed the page before doing so. Once you close or save the page then it's not possible to go back in and undo your changes.

Those pages would have to have been saved in order to use the version history to restore our changes.

Can you also let me know what you mean when you say you deleted two other pages?

I assume the content you're referring to is on the one page you were editing, but if you accidentally deleted two other pages from Confluence, you should be able to recover them from the trash of the space they resided in.

If by "two pages" you're referring to two pages worth of content, then it's only possible to recover via the undo feature, and only if you are still in edit mode.

For the future I would encourage frequent saves on your draft, so that you are able to use the versioning system in Confluence. If it needs to stay private before it's publicly available, you can do so using Page Restrictions.



0 votes
Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 7, 2018

Hi Nitsan,

Is this a brand-new page that you created that hasn't been saved yet? 

I'm not clear on what you mean by the accidental marking and macro sequence, or what you refer to when you say it won't recover on a draft paper.

Could you please clarify exactly what you were trying to do and what happened precisely?



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