Active Directory - newbie question

Ishtiaque Omar July 28, 2011


I've just created a new security group in Active Directory called 'Confluence'. I have added all the users who are intended to have access to Confluence.

When I go to Confluence Admin and add an Active Directory, I can connect to the AD server. In the LDAP Schema section I put in:

Base DN: ou=[org], dc=[org], dc=local

That returns all users in Active Directory fine.

What I can't figure out how to do is how to then filter against the security group Confluence. In particular:

- I assume I use cn=Confluence (rather than ou=Confluence)?

- do I put this filter into the Base DN field, the Additional User DN, the Additional Group DN or into another section?

Sorry for the newbie question. I've tried a bunch fo different permutations and combinations without luck.



3 answers

1 accepted

4 votes
Answer accepted
Jim Birch
Rising Star
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July 31, 2011

Add the group to your user search filter, eg,


Note: You can use this same construct in the group search filter to select groups you want to show in confluence.

Ishtiaque Omar November 7, 2011

Jim, This worked perfectly. Thanks a bunch.

1 vote
Adam Laskowski
Rising Star
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July 28, 2011

When connecting Confluence to an LDAP or AD server, you want to specify a base DN that is sufficient high enough in the tree such that Confluence can search the lower branches for users and groups.

If you created the Confluence security group under the OU "org" (eg. cn=Confluence,ou=org,dc=org,dc=com), and search all depths is enabled (only applies to Confluence 3.4.9 and earlier), then Confluence should be able to find the group assuming the group has an attribute matched in the group search filter; the default group search filter is (objectCategory=Group). If this key value pair is missing in your security group, Confluence won't know it's a group and it will not show up in the Manage Group UI.

You can use the Additional User and Group DN spaces to append RDNs to the Base DN to narrow the search. If you store your users in cn=Users,ou=org,dc=org,dc=local, you can add cn=Users into the Additional User DN to start all searchs for users at that depth.

One solid test to narrow down whether this is an issue with DN assignments or with search filters/attribute mapping is to set your Base DN to the root of the dirtectory, remove any Additional DNs, then see if Confluence can find the group. If it does, it's an issue with your Base DN/Additional DN combinations. If it does not, try asjusting your search filter so that it matches a unique key value pair in your security group entry.

Ishtiaque Omar November 7, 2011

Adam, thanks for the explanation behind how this works. Much appreciated.

0 votes
Ishtiaque Omar August 2, 2011

Jim, This worked perfectly. Thanks a bunch. And Adam, thanks for the explanation behind how it works as well. Very much appreciated.

Andrew Ardill
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 7, 2011

Ish, you should think about converting this 'answer' into a commnt on the other answers.

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