Top items that confluence desperately needs

Logan Jaynes March 26, 2018


  1. A group directory. List out groups and its members for non-admins. (c'mon guys really?)
  2. Special permission for certain users to manage groups and users without being all-rights admins
  3. Windows Service stop and restart. Our server instance crashes constantly and we are forced to reboot the windows server it runs on, this forces us to run a dedicated server for confluence. It would be nice if you could stop and restart the service instead of rebooting. 
  4. Archive pages. Yes, I know you can archive a space, but its a workaround and serves no purpose. Archiving pages should preserve the child/parent relationship and also be only allowed in searches upon selection(much akin to MS outlook)
  5. Exclusion based access vs permission based access. (sometimes its easier to deny access to 1 person than grant access to 5 groups and 9 people, especially when you have to go through 12 checkboxes for each entry)




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Logan Jaynes March 26, 2018

Thanks for the interest/input Nic. 

1 - I'll take a look at some more if I can. Currently on trial with Custom Space User Management add-on, gets about half way there but is quite costly. 

3 - It seems add-on updates crash us more than anything. Hard to plan for/prevent if an add-on is a potential grenade

Yea I'm sure they won't implement most things but just had to put my thoughts out there. 

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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March 26, 2018

2 and 5 won't happen.  If you want 2, then use an external directory which allows for delegation, and 5 is felt to be complex and confusing.  It might sometimes to appear to be easier to lock people out than let them in, but when you have both in play, it's not only hard to code for, but people really don't get it and rapidly end up in a mess.

1 - is probably a low priority for Atlassian, as you can do it with user macros. 

3 - you should fix whatever is crashing it, not pretend it's not a problem by restarting

4 - Totally with you on that.  Needs a proper archive.  It's been a while, but I'm told this is creeping up the list.

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