DB Space required to setup confluence

Radha Krishna B L
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November 25, 2019



I'm planning to setup confluence with external DB, may I know the DB space required?

Or may I know what all I need to consider to configure Confluence with MS SQL or Oracle DB?




3 answers

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Zak Laughton
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 24, 2020

Hi Radha!

Check out the Server Hardware Requirements guide. This recommends a minimum of 10 GB for the database. Also note that any attachments (such as audio or video files) will be stored in the application server file structure, not the database.

I hope this helps!
– Zak

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Radha Krishna B L
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 27, 2019

Currently we have 100+ pages to upload and every year around 100 pages will be added.

Let me know If you have method to calculate size, if my content is as follows for example?

100 pages plain text per year

Audio/Video recordings : 2 GB per year


Kindly provide some quantitative method to calculate.

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Vickey Palzor Lepcha
Rising Star
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November 26, 2019

I guess the size of the database depends on your planning as to how much are you and your firm planning to use Confluence in near future - you may be able to conceive a rough idea of its growth.

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