When I use a particular app, I am either adopting all the possible shortcuts or live by a sound of a thousand clicks at a time. The middle is for the weak!
My Team is using both Cloud and Server Confluence, and the ratio is something like 20:80%. So it's understandable not to know all the useful shortcuts, but enough to master the few of them which you waited all your life.
The slash.
Thanks to the great mastermind who suggested this feature, I owe him at least two beers! If you need something quick - slash! If you can't remember what you need - slash! 😍 No need to say that the first six items are usually the most used/useful ones.
The other favorite shortcut may sound curious - it's the Decision one. Quite often, we have to discuss and decide different types of Marketing creations - messaging, vision, blog title, images, design direction, etc. We are creating a million versions for each task while searching for the proper one, and having bullets, numbered lists, tables, whatever you can imagine. Final, Final03, FinalFinalx5 are constant guests in our Confluence pages. But not in Cloud.
With the Decision panel, we could easily mark our real-final, and ready to go live, work.
Date, Macros, and Mentions are also big stars at our daily Confluence usage, but I am sure you are all familiar with them. No man can survive without the basics.
Stay Calm and Enjoy Shortcuts 😎
Shout-out for the epic cat cartoon made by The Oatmeal.
Teodora V _Fun Inc_
Putting Pieces Together @ Fun Inc
Fun Inc
Sofia, Bulgaria
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