Introducing the Confluence Daily Digest!


Rogerio July 28, 2022

Is there a place we can vote to put back the Email changes or enable that and disabled the summary?

Before I was receiving what was changed in the document, so I wouldn't need to read the entire document or go to history to see what was changed, that was very nice to have because it saves a lot of time, since I don't need to leave my email to know what was changed, and I would leave my email only if the user has changed something that I didn't understand so I would add a comment with my question.

Now, with this new change, I have to go every day to the wiki and compare what the user has changed, which is very bad user experience on my view because you added a lot of steps for me to do, and before I had only a few steps. Also because this required a few more steps I noticed I started to ignore some docs because it would take a lot of my time to analyze each one.

If you don't want to send all the changes in the email, I think you could add at least a number in the email where we can click and open the history showing the comparison between the two versions, like a commit number where we could easily click and see what was changed. Although I would still prefer seeing the changes on the email, so I don't need to leave my email.

Another thing that I want to say is that I usually say to my team to create a wiki instead of a google doc because we receive a notification when someone change or create something, now I don't have that option, so having a google doc or a wiki wouldn't have a difference for us.

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Michelle Land
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July 28, 2022

I receive the daily digest which tells me which people made edits to which pages, however, when I click on the link I do not know what changes have been made. In the previous singular emails, when you clicked on the link it highlighted the parts that were changed. Is there a solution to remedy this or am I missing something?

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Jeannine Hooper-Yan July 28, 2022

@Rogerio  / @Michelle Land  - I went to my eMail preferences in Confluence and turned off the Daily Digest (which also is limited to only spaces you watch - not all of Confluence) and confirmed "Daily Updates" was still on, and now I'm back to where I was before - with the extremely useful Daily Updates that shows all changes across all spaces I where I have access and the link to see what was changed.

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Rogerio July 28, 2022

Thank you @Jeannine Hooper-Yan , I have disabled the "Subscribe to a daily digest" and I have enabled the "Subscribe to daily updates". I will post back if that didn't work. Thanks again.

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Ed Burnette August 3, 2022

Can you show a summary of what changed? When I get a notice that something changed in a large document, I have to first open the doc, then open the history, then sort through all the changes to find the ones I care about. It takes long enough that I usually don’t bother. 

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Denis Kutin
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August 3, 2022

+1 what @Ed Burnette posted. I usually checked changes with emails, but now with the daily digests I lost this ability completely.
I assume it supposed to be controlled with the "Show changed content" option in the Email Settings, but for some reason I do not see any content.
Could you please check it?



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Maksim Golub
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August 3, 2022

Nice! Thank you for this feature :)

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Jeannine Hooper-Yan August 4, 2022

@Ed Burnett / @Denis Kutin  - I had to turn off Daily Digest and turn on Daily Updates to get a complete list of all content changes and the direct link to changes. You might want to try that. That email is less pretty but much more functional for me 

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Rajesh Lakka
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August 8, 2022

Hello. Can I create a daily or weekly digest for my own space or project with the intended users to receive the email ? or just share the link with someone ?

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Jesús Díez Grijalvo
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August 9, 2022

Since Atlassian installed this functionality, I have lost control of the changes that each user makes to our spaces. So, I can't see what has been changed. Before it was marked in green, but now I can't know what has been changed in each space.

Is it possible that, regardless of what the space administrator does, I can still receive notifications of changes and can see what changes have been made?

I think the daily summary is fine, but each user should be able to decide if they want to continue receiving notifications and see what has been changed in the space in relation to each of those notifications.


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Ricky Helgesson
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August 10, 2022

What is the point of this Daily Digest? I was very happy to see that it was one email that pointed out all changes instead of individual emails. However, when I click the links, I just get to the page but the changes made are not shown. So what is the use case for this email. I have an email in front of me with 9 pages that have been updated. Each of those pages has a ton of information but I have no clue what was changed. Please make sure that the links in the email goes to the page WITH changes visible. Otherwise, I cannot see any good use case for this email.

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Jesús Díez Grijalvo
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August 10, 2022

I totally agree with Ricky Henderson.

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Tina Hutchinson August 10, 2022

Sorry, but the "Confluence Daily Digest" is totally useless. All it does is tell you certain pages were changed, without identifying the specific page changes.  Knowing what changed on a page is the entire point of "watching" in the first place.

Anyone who is annoyed by unwanted email notifications can simply click "stop watching" on the page or space, or even on the notification email itself, so this could not have been a major issue. (Perhaps Atlassian didn't make the "Stop watching and unsubscribe" link large enough on the email to be noticed?)

The page version tracking and update notifications were a key reason we got Confluence in the first place. Now as an Admin I have to figure out how to get things as they were before, if possible, without telling our employees how to make changes on their own that they shouldn't have to take the time to make. I have to ask, why did Atlassian decide to force this new feature onto customers by making it the default, instead of allowing any customers who want this to opt in?

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Jeannine Hooper-Yan August 10, 2022

@Tina Hutchinson - I don't know why Atlassian is announcing this as "new" - I've been using the Daily Update feature for years.  You want to go in your email settings, turn off daily digest and turn on Daily Updates.  I also turn OFF all other updates so I only get the Daily Updates.  It lists all changes to spaces I have access to (watching or not) with a direct link to "what's changed"

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SimonE August 10, 2022

Hi @da.  A suggestion:

In addition to mentioning which page was updated, could you also include the space name as well? 

We have a dozen or so spaces, one for each customer our team deals with, and they all have a similar format.  So when the digest email says so-and-so has updated the Contacts page it could be any one of those dozen spaces.  I could get the space details by mousing over the link to the updated page but if there are multiple updates it's a bit of a pain to do that for each one.  It would be a lot quicker to have the space name visible on the page instead of having to view the details of the link to see it.

It would be handy to perhaps list page changes by space.

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Kevin Dickson August 10, 2022

This is brilliant!! I literally don't have time to go through the dozens of individual mails sent by Confluence, so to see a summary would make the world of difference. Thank you for initiating this, Daniel

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tmccormack August 11, 2022

The funny thing is that it says "take control of your inbox", but as soon as I tried to "like" one of the comments here saying that the Daily Digest would be dramatically more useful if it linked to the history comparisons for all of the new changes... I got a flood of emails from Atlassian Community:

"[Atlassian Community] Way to go! Level 1 is now yours"
"[Atlassian Community] Way to go! Level 0 is now yours"
"[Atlassian Community] Way to go! Reading Rainbow is now yours"

...which makes the announcement feel a little hollow. :-P

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Jaime Hardisty August 11, 2022

Question: For the daily summary for my organization - none of the Confluence page updates that I make are ever listed in the daily summary. It's like I am a ghost.  For editing documents, I click a little pencil type icon in the upper right corner of the page, and then when done I click on a Blue "Publish" button in the upper right corner. When I go back, my edits are there.  Is there another step to take to be a member of my organization?  

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Tina Hutchinson August 11, 2022

@Jaime Hardisty- I believe in Email Settings you need to click on "Notify on my actions" which allows you to get notifications on your own changes, as well as those others have made. Other people in your organization looking at the Daily summary probably already see your changes noted there. But you won't until you make that change.

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Jaime Hardisty August 11, 2022

Thank you @Tina Hutchinson  - I'm not seeing, "Notify on my actions". Is there a different way into settings that has this feature?   Within Atlassian, click on my avatar, click on 'manage settings' on the flyout menu, click on 'notifications' tab (top center under Manage Settings, on the right side of 'profile') , then click on the settings tab, (top center on the same line as 'watching', 'search alerts', on the right side), I then see:  


Turn off all push notifications
Turn off all email notifications
Turn off all real-time pop-up notifications
Turn off all mobile notifications
Automatically watch anything I participate in
Automatically subscribe me to all group hubs that I join
Of groups or categories I'm watching within collections, send updates for   Only new posts (default)
For my search subscriptions, notify me for                                                   Posts and replies (default)
Notify me of:
New activity in collection categories I'm watching                                       Immediately (default)
New activity in specific posts I'm watching                                                   Immediately (default)
Posts I'm @mentioned in                                                                              Immediately (default)
Likes on my posts                                                                                          Immediately (default)
Accepted solutions to questions I'm watching                                             Immediately (default)
Badges I earn                                                                                                Immediately (default)
Edits made to posts in collections I'm watching                                           For all but minor edits.
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spryce August 11, 2022

Looks like a great idea,

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Jens Willer
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August 12, 2022

It would be nice to have a numbered list of settings to find the "Subscribe to daily updates" box in other languages ​​(e.g. German).

The screenshot posted was helpful in finding the box.

And the e-mails are also sent in English and not in German.


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Hua Soon SIM [Akeles]
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August 15, 2022

Hi @DA,

The new daily digest looks nicer and is useful.

Can I suggest another improvement to organize the pages by spaces?
That will help users to filter out relevant content easier.

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Tina Hutchinson August 15, 2022

@Jaime HardistyYou're not seeing the same thing under your Confluence Profile as I see in mine. Are you sure you are in Confluence Cloud? If you use the Server version it may be different. Also, are you sure your organization has received the rollout of this feature to your Confluence instance yet? 

What you should see under your Atlassian profile is an option to select "Settings": 


After clicking on Settings, on the left of the screen is an option to select "Email Settings." In Email Settings you click the Edit button to make your changes.
Email Settings.jpg

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Jaime Hardisty August 16, 2022

@Tina Hutchinson Thank you.  I figured out that the Atlassian Community where we are discussing the Confluence Daily Digest [found from link in Daily Digest Email] has a completely separate settings file from Confluence, so I have to open a Confluence document, and then could access the settings for Confluence notifications.  The page of stuff I posted was for the Atlassian notifications.  

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