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How can we visualize the start and end times of deployment?

matthew wilson
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May 8, 2024

We've initiated the process of incorporating deployment information into Compass, aiming to generate a visualization in a component's activity timeline akin to the one depicted below on the Compass site. This visualization features the commencement and conclusion of a deployment delineated by a green line.

I've attempted two methods to achieve this, both without success. Initially, I endeavored to utilize the 'startedAt' and 'completedAt' timestamps within the deployment event in the JSON payload, specifically when the state was 'SUCCESSFUL'. Additionally, I experimented with sending two distinct events: one denoting the state 'IN PROGRESS' with the 'lastUpdated' timestamp indicating the start time, and another event denoting the state 'SUCCESSFUL' with the 'lastUpdated' timestamp marking the completion time. However, it appears that only the conclusion time is being recorded, represented by a single solid green tick, rather than a line connecting the two points as illustrated in the visualization below.

Could you advise if there's an aspect I might be overlooking?


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Alastair Wilkes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 10, 2024

Hey Matthew - sorry, but your image(s) didn't come through. Can you try adding them again?

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