HealthOps - Where CheckOps focuses on the work for the week, HealthOps can focus on team health

Robin Keet
March 15, 2023

Team "HealthOps", or "Health Check" or similar. 

Might also be a suggestion for the wrong product, as I could see this being relevant for Atlas as well (or more, considering that one is focused on people). 


Recently scrum masters (where I work) started running "team health check" sessions based around a simple "happy, meh, unhappy" (green/orange/red) setup, based on topics you can find here:

All of these might be a bit much to do on a weekly kind of basis. (We just had our first and it's planned quarterly) To have "HealthOps" done weekly, an idea could be that 3 or 4 topics are selected on a weekly basis (or randomly selected, or...) for a short "(bi-)weekly check-in" session. 

Anyway, maybe this can useful, what do you folks think?

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Adam Setch
March 15, 2023

+1 for this suggestion. 

Sounds very similar to what do.  They suggest a few key focus areas (3-4) per Team per week/review cycle, out of a much larger catalog of questions.  The recommendations are based on the teams metrics/health and where they feel they need to improve the most

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