Does compass support a component hierarchy or subcomponents?

Leo Hart
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August 14, 2024

I am evaluating Compass for a number of reasons including visualizing dependencies between services/components and the health of services/components.

One feature I was hoping to come across was business capability modeling/mapping. For example, I'd like to represent our product/platform as a capability model:

  • Account Management
    • Add Account
      • Add Account Type A
      • Add Account Type B
    • Update Account
      • ...
    • Disable Account
      • ...
  • Report Management
    • Generate Report
    • List Reports
    • Publish Report

I would then link components, test cases, bugs, stories, etc to get all sorts of insights into the health of these capabilities.

I see that Compass does have the concept of capability, but it seems to be a flat list vs a hierarchy.  I can somewhat hack together something using labels and dependencies, but it does feel like a hack and none of the default views seem to support a view like the above.

A couple of questions:

  1. Am I even looking at the right tool to solve this problem or is Compass the wrong tool.  If Compass is a poor fit, any suggestions on what else to look at?  I'm already heavily invested in the Atlassian suite.
  2. If Compass' intent aligns with what I am doing above, does anyone know if hierarchy support is on the roadmap?  Has anyone found a different way to get to the outcome I stated above?


1 answer

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Andrew Boyagi
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 18, 2024

Hi Leo,

Creating a hierarchy for components is a commonly requested feature and something that the Product team is working on.

Here are two options you can use while the team work on releasing heirarchy:

  1. Labels - you can create a label called Account Management and add that to all relevant components. This will enable you to search and filter for all associated components
  2. Dependencies - you can create a component named Account Management and make Add Account Type A and Add Account Type B dependant on Account Management. This way you can visualize the dependencies in the dependency view, as well as get a view of all events in the activity feed.

Hope this helps!


Jeff Madison
August 19, 2024

We use dependencies, although we reverse the order: the Capability depends on the Components, and parent Capability depends on each of its sub-Capabilities. The idea being you can't do Account Management without Add Account Type A, etc.

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