Compass.yaml 10 labels error - when only have 8

Guy Derriman
February 27, 2024

I have a Compass Component integrated with github i.e. compass.yaml file in repository. I have created some common tagging that I want to use and have updated the yaml file to reflect that however I am getting the following error after checking in 

A component can have a maximum of 10 labels. Try reducing the number of labels associated with the component.

However my Compass.yaml file contains the following in the labels section

- 'source:github'
- 'biz-unit:digital'
- 'tribe:digital-stay'
- 'asset-type:api'
- 'azure:app-service'
- 'azure:key-vault'
- 'framework:angular'
- 'framework:node'

As you can see there are only 8,

The previously checked in compass.yaml file had 4 labels

- digital
- digital-stay
- 'language:typescript'
- 'source:github'

If I delete the file from the repo and re-add it, it works. However this means I effectively cant use source control

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Guy Derriman
March 4, 2024

Not sure if this was the cause but originally when I produced the compass.yml files the format was like this

 - name: ''
    type: PROJECT
    url: 'https://[domain]/jira/software/c/projects/PROJ/boards/3020'
then after I deleted the source controlled compass.yml and re added it it had changed to a null instead of empty string
  - name: null
    type: PROJECT
    url: 'https://[domain]/jira/software/c/projects/PROJ/boards/3020'
When this is added to source control there are no problems

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