Updated CSV importer now available!

Hi Compass community,

We’re happy to announce an updated CSV Importer that has support for more Compass component fields, including links, lifecycle stage, and custom fields!

Check out the updated docs for more information. We’ve also included an example CSV file for you to download and try out.

Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 11.26.24 AM.png

Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 11.25.44 AM.png

Let’s walk through a example of how one would set up a CSV file to include custom fields.

First, go to any component overview page and scroll down to “Custom fields” section. You can add a new custom field (or just view all the ones the instance currently has) by clicking the three dots.

Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 10.34.24 AM.png

Determine which custom field you want to include in the CSV. Above, I created a new custom field called ‘My New Number Custom Field’, a numeric custom field.

Now, in my CSV, I can add a new column for this custom field. Custom fields must be prefixed with custom: in the header, so this custom field would be added into the CSV with the header custom:My New Number Custom Field.

Here’s a sample of what the final CSV could look like:

name,type,lifecycle stage,tier,description,labels,custom:My New Number Custom Field 
Component 1 test,SERVICE,Pre-release,1,Description of first component,labelone||labeltwo,123
Component 2 test,LIBRARY,Active,2,Description of second component,labelone,456
Component 3 test,APPLICATION,Deprecated,3,Description of third component,labelone||labeltwo,789

Happy importing!



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