Announcement: GitHub app for Compass now available, improved scorecards navigation coming!

Hey everyone, Josh here from the Compass product team and today I wanted to share with you a couple of quick announcements.

GitHub joins the Compass party

Our first version of the GitHub app for Compass is now available to everyone! With this integration you can connect Compass to a GitHub Organization (personal accounts not currently supported) and use our configuration-as-code feature to manage all of your Compass components using good ol’ YAML. And this is just the beginning. We’ve got a ton more features planned for this integration, including importing repositories as Compass components, displaying important information about your repositories and Actions workflows inside Compass, and using metrics and data from GitHub as criteria for Compass scorecards.

You can get started with the GitHub app for Compass right now by navigating to the “Apps” menu at the top of Compass and clicking “Install” next to GitHub. Try it out, let us know what you think and what else you want to see from this integration.

Improvements to scorecards

From talking to you all, we’ve realized that we hid scorecards away a bit too deep inside Compass. In the next few weeks we’ll be rolling out a new top menu navigation option for scorecards, along with low scoring component filters within several views in Compass to make it easier to improve component health!


Here's a little teaser that shows both the new GitHub app and top nav for scorecards.

image (1).png


Happy Compassing and Happy Thanksgiving if you’re celebrating this week! 🦃 🥧 🍽


Erion Peci
December 1, 2021

@Josh Campbell Under the coming soon banner was GitLab too , but I do not see this anywhere . Are you planning to release this soon ? And just to clarified I am interested for the gitlab self-hosted version. 



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Josh Campbell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 3, 2021

Hey Erion thanks for the question! GitLab is on our roadmap and it's likely that it will come some time in the first quarter of 2022. Transparently, we will probably only support cloud-based GitLab instances in the near term. Connecting to self-hosted tools behind the firewall is something we plan to think more about in 2022.

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Brian W
February 3, 2022

@Josh Campbell Has any consideration been given to allow a single Compass instance to connect to more than one GitHub organization?  I think it would be true for most large organizations to have multiple organizations created inside of GitHub.  While I can see there might be a desire to separate these into multiple Compass instances, I know it would be true for us that we would need to connect multiple GitHub organizations to a single Compass instance.  Without that ability I think we'd be forced to create our own triggers in GitHub and integrate via the API.



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Josh Campbell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 7, 2022

Hey thanks for that feedback Brian, this really helps with prioritizing features. It's definitely a conscious tradeoff we've made around forcing single organization for GitHub and single workspace for Bitbucket. I've made a note to revisit this with the team to get a better sense of how we can accomplish this. For what it's worth, I think it makes sense to support multiple too. Wish I had a better answer for you right now, sorry!

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