Hi all,
Thanks for this canary release on a few select (I feel like a "chosen one") π
I'd like to contribute for early adoption feedback on this Kudos program. Where can I raise bugs / defects so the core Atlassian Kudos team can triage and fix them before it gets rolled out to a wider audience? I feel like if I am just posting it here then I will be spamming the whole MVP group.
Like I found this cosmetic issue (unnecessary scroll bar on the right side):
you can post bugs in this group
@Evan Rosal yeah this is the right place! It's true that new users get notified about every thread, but now this thread exists, so you can keep posting here if you want to and people will no longer be notified.
@Erika Nunotani is our designer so I am making sure she sees this. We will note the random scroll bar issue!
Just sent you some kudos as well to say thanks, and keep the bug reports coming.