I am not sure but I have seen instant like by some new faces while any questions or discussions ASAP I posted recently(within seconds or less).
I thought bringing this into attention so that people around can check and comment on the same.
Note - This might be my personal experience and coincidence.
@Linda Milne_Togetha Group_ - Thanks for asking. It happened while I posted question or discussion recently so I was little inquisitive. Might be coincidence but I though to check with you all here for your experience.
Hi @Suvradip Paul as per Atlassian team's investigation, lately their are some bots for "liking the posts" and the same is being investigated. All those user accounts are being removed. Just incase, the next time you find someone, try reaching them and find out if they are doing it manually.
Try looping any of the community leaders who can take it forward to Atlassian team.
@G subramanyam - Thanks for commenting. I would tag some of you Community Leaders in that post if I see something in future.
I feel I should like this discussion, but think it would be going against its spirit :-)
Thanks @Colum McAndrew for your witty remark and I must appreciate your sense of humour!
+1 to Colum!