Hi everyone,
I only recently started out to actively participate on here, as I had some spare time on my hands. Now, opening the Community is my morning coffee or a much needed, small break from other tasks.
I very much enjoy the hunt for more Badges and Kudos Points but am left a little disappointed, as quite a lot of my Challenges are still in To Do, even though I completed the tasks.
Only one example: Jira Journey. I introduced myself in the group but never got the points for it. Is there a rhyme and reason? Has anyone else issues with that specific or other Badges?
Others have mentioned the high threshold to level 11, 12 and so forth. It seems impossible to reach those with purely answering questions. So consistently getting points for the other challenges would be helpful.
Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_
IT Consultant
viadee Unternehmensberatung AG
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