Our next Great Atlassian Bake Off feature is @Heidi van Gennep , who's here today to share her favorite Atlassian value, and how she applies the principles of iteration to cooking!
I’m a Customer Success Manager (within the CSI org) out of Austin, Texas. My favorite value is Don’t F*!$ the Customer.
As a CSM, so much of what we do is client advocacy and promoting magical experiences for our customers. DFTC is an additional source of recognition that what we do is meaningful and valuable, and for the organization to support that through DFTC is wonderful.
I grew up watching people in my life cook, but first took home economics in middle school and continued through high school, even though after two classes it was an elective. In my junior year, we even catered in the teachers lounge for lunches. You do, in fact, need entirely too much mayonnaise for the perfect chicken or tuna salad.
I love cooking more than baking because you iterate and do not need to follow the recipe exactly. Once you learn the basics: knife skills, mise en place, etc., it’s really hard to go wrong.
Samin Nosrat is right: salt, fat, acid, heat.
I was inspired by this recipe for Smoked Chicken with Chimichurri, but tweaked it make it easy for weeknights and definitely NO need for a Traeger:
Additional serving suggestions:
A bright acidic chimichurri (Whole Foods sells a great pre-made one. Don’t have that? Add any kind of vinegar to a pesto sauce)
Sliced cucumbers
Walnuts soaked in water to remove their bitterness
Pomegranate arils
If you liked that, you’ll also like Bottom of the Pot: Persian Recipes and Stories.
Probably a bad one 🤣 I zone out and don’t hear anything happening around me. It’s very meditative!
The desire to lift everyone up!
Watch your favorite cooking show for inspiration!
Thanks, Heidi! Submit your recipe at Great Atlassian Bake off, and follow along with the fun at #AtlassianBakeOff.
Sharon Tan
Senior Customer Marketing Content Manager
Atlassian Inc.
Austin, TX
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